2. I went through an exceptionally rough patch with work. thankfully, things are getting better. I had two great conversations with two separate stylists today. it felt good.
3. I always envy the coffee shop dwellers outside my work during the week. so today, on my day off, I sat outside peet's coffee eating frozen yogurt and reading the new times for hours until my handsome boyfriend joined me for a bit.
4. FINALLY got back to the gym today. endorphins.
5. just discovered an unreturned movie rental in my dvd player. on my way out the door to return it. I love nighttime errands and driving.
6. I'm sad I couldn't afford to go to my brother's going away dinner tonight in san francisco, but I just got a sweet message from my sister-in-law saying they missed me tonight and they love me. and my mom wants to photoshop me into the pictures...
7. my house smells delicious with the things I'm cooking to eat this week.
8. tahoe this weekend!
9. a much needed paycheck is coming my way on friday
10. I'm really happy