Thursday, December 11, 2008

this is my painting in the works haha. I paint like a 5 year old. but it's so fun. 

about a week before Thanksgiving, I was driving home from work and as I pulled up to my apartment, this song came on KCPR. It caught my attention, so I turned the engine off and listened. As soon as the song was over, I went inside and found the band online. Throughout the week, I kept going back to their page, listening to their music. Over Thanksgiving weekend, Abram and Jake were staying at my house and Abram went out to the car to get some of his cds. There was a pile on the coffee table and the top cd was The National- Boxer. Just the band I had been obsessing over for about a week before they arrived. If the video doesn't do it for you, try closing your eyes or turning your back while you listen. it's prettier that way, anyway. 

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