this evening, amber dropped by my house. there's been kind of a weird smell in my house for the past couple days and I've been using every odor absorbing trick I know to try to get rid of it and it wasn't going away. so amber came over and mentioned the odd smell. sawdust. she asked where my mouse trap was but I told her it couldn't be a dead mouse because I just saw the creepy thing this morning. she checked the trap anyway and the mouse was caught! so we threw the trap away and the relief I felt was amazing.
I haven't had hot water for the past few days. I've been going over to amber's house to shower. It's miserable. so today I finally got myself a long lighter and called my handy friend dave. he explained to me how to light my pilot light.. while making me read along on the water heater (haha! I'm so retarded). while I was holding the red button down, out drops a mouse and runs into a little hole under my bathroom sink. RAD. it was the same one I saw slinking through my house this morning. It looks like a mutant. it kind of looks like an evil shadow of a mouse that you'd see in a cartoon or something. I think the smell that's been stinking up my apartment actually HAS been a dead mouse and now there's just a NEW one.
speaking of the devil.. it just ran across my living room. I HATE THIS.
on a lighter note, last night we had our salon christmas party. it was fun but I was really tired and had to work early this morning, so I only stayed a little while then came home and went to bed.

this was from saturday night at amber's salon's christmas party.
I'm going to bed, I'm freaked out about the mutant mouse running through my house.